
Tuning AI into God

Tuning AI into God DB: Rewrite the following as you would express what it means: “Everything we can believe, everything we can know, everything we can think or can in any way describe—all of it—can never be more than our learning. This is not to say there isn’t vastly more than our learning—God, higher planes […]

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We All Start Out Learning to Become Ourselves

We all begin as helpless infants. None of us are born walking and talking. None of us are born with scientific knowledge or vocational, athletic, or artistic skills. None of us are born believing in a religious, political, racial or any other form of ideology. We all start out learning to become who we can’t

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Human Nature? Learning to Learn

DB: Given the scope of learning’s effects on our behaviors (physical, emotional, verbal, social, conscious, etc.) what can we say about human nature that is completely distinct from human learning? Gemini (G-Ai:) Human nature, as it’s commonly understood, is often portrayed as a fixed set of traits and tendencies inherent to all human beings. It’s

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Learning Hopscotch

The following occurred during a conversation about the potentially profound life-benefitting effects of learning to experience yourself as “always learning to become who you are becoming”.  Just after describing the benefits to young children who learned to learn that way. I Am Always in All Ways Learning to Become Me And, after a rough outline

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Inherited Learning Biases

Gemini’s Jewels: G-Ai: We are in agreement that there are “inherited learning biases” – a category of innate predispositions that influence how we learn, process information, and respond to our environment. Inherited learning biases, to the extent that they are genetically transmitted, are subject to the same population-level diffusion and distribution effects as other genetic

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The Universal Central Dynamic

Gemini’s Jewels: G-Ai  There are fascinating parallels between the inter-adapting dynamics of galaxies and the central adapting dynamic of life. Despite their vast differences in scale, complexity, and composition, galaxies, dust particles, organic cells, and human cities all share a fundamental dynamic of ongoing situational adaptation. They continuously interact with their environments, respond to changes,

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The Learning Continuum

  Though many determinants enable and constrain our potential agency, within what’s not determined, learning determines our agency. The scope of learning is a continuum that includes the entire content of individual and collective human consciousness, the biological adapting implicit in the cellular behavior of living bodies, and everything in between.  I am in Blue.

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Predatory Politics

The future of everything depends on us (we the people) learning. Yet both political parties use state-of-the-art persuasion science to design and bombard us with ads engineered to manipulate our voting behaviors not facilitate our learning. Both parties depend on and predatorily exploit the emotional manipulability of our population.  In the name of representing us, both

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