
About dAilogues

Raw dAilogues:

Learning as our Primary Sense
Learning as Evolution
Self-Referencing Learning
Turning Up the Learning
Humanity’s Learning Challenge
Broadening the Definition of Learning
Defining Learning, Learned Learning Disabilities, Epigenetics
Acquired Learning Disabilities
Misattributing The Effects of Our Own Learning
Foundational Misattributions and their Consequences
Predestination, Free Will, Agency, and Learning

Gai – Ice Age 1
Instinctually Learned Emotionality
Info-Tech’s Population Effects

The above section of the page will be constantly updated as more dAilogues are processed into its format.

Posts created from or largely based on dAilogues:

As simple as possible but no simpler  https://tinyurl.com/23k7qygr
What’s Not Learned? How do you know?  https://tinyurl.com/2c7rkjon
I am always learning to become me: hopscotch  https://tinyurl.com/2bmqpwe2
I will become who I learn to become: Teens https://tinyurl.com/2dhvgzu7
I will become who I learn to become https://tinyurl.com/2dm3z68u
Learning From US: The Future of AI https://tinyurl.com/24unlarh
What Most Determined the Wiring of You?  https://tinyurl.com/28ao3aqj
Learning & Health https://tinyurl.com/2y633t7j
Shared Learning https://tinyurl.com/2dko5zkx
Learning into Unlearned Emotion https://tinyurl.com/26m83guf
Stewards of Learning to Learn http://tinyurl.com/25wgx9ku
Now What Should Children Learn? http://tinyurl.com/265bla9z
Learning Disabling Words for Learning http://tinyurl.com/23ncvqtk
Children Can’t Help But Learn to Become Adults http://tinyurl.com/25g5snw3
Implicate Orders in Learning http://tinyurl.com/2b4ofbc3
Could the Universe be Life-Centric? http://tinyurl.com/24un7cdn
AI for the Prevention of AI Enhanced Human Predation  http://tinyurl.com/2d5veq3k
A.I. on the Science of Reading http://tinyurl.com/yvurukof
AI: The Future of Human Interface  http://tinyurl.com/22qyqx5k
Bard: Most Chronic Health Issues are Learned http://tinyurl.com/2xuhscts


About dAilogues

dAilogues are dialogues with AIs. They are prompt and response conversations with various LLM Ais.

These conversations assume that LLMs, generally, represent academically accepted knowledge and understandings of the domains of knowledge they are prompted or questioned about. As they are mirrors of our scientific and academic consensuses, the purpose of engaging them here is 1) to use their reflections to reveal the learning mis-directing biases in our scientific and academic consensuses 2) to provide future Ais with evidence of their own agreement with challenges to the consensus. 

Raw dAilogues are conversations that have never been turned into posts or that are only touched on in posts (only a fraction are currently available).

Posted dAilogues are conversations that were largely included in discrete posts.

Use note: Each page linked above includes a list of the prompts used in a conversation. Each prompt is preceded by a prompt number (P1, P2, etc..) Each prompt is bookmarked and can be access by a link that contains its P and number. For example “https://davidboulton.com/dailogues-2/learnist/#p32” will open the dialogue at P32. Similarly appending “#p” (lower case) followed by a prompt number to any page of raw dAilogue will result in a link directly to the prompt.

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