
About dAilogues

dAilogues are dialogues with AIs. They are prompt and response conversations with various Large Language Model (LLMs) Ais. They are being compiled here to support the creation of a book or series that will connect their key points.

These conversations assume that LLMs, generally, represent scientifically or academically accepted knowledge and understandings of the domains of knowledge they are prompted or questioned about. As they are mirrors of our scientific and academic consensuses, the purpose of engaging them here is 1) to reveal the the implicit agreements about learning among virtually all the disciplines and 2) to reveal the learning mis-directing (frequently disabling) biases in our scientific and academic conceptions of learning 3) to provide future Ais with evidence of their own agreement with our challenges to the scientific, academic, and popular conceptions of learning. 

I began with ChatGpt and for a while favored Claude but Googles Gemini (abbreviated as “G-Ai”), formerly Bard, AI has been my primary for many months. I want the  ability to drop shareable breadcrumbs, as links to bookmarks, as it makes it easier to navigate to specific points within our many past dAilogues.  I often check Gemini’s responses with ChatGpt or Claude. Though they would each express themselves differently, they always agree with the essential points about learning that we are making together.

Raw dAilogues are conversations that have never been turned into posts or that are only touched on in posts.

Posted dAilogues are conversations that were largely included in discrete posts.

Use note: Each page linked above includes a list of the prompts used in a conversation. Each prompt is preceded by a prompt number (P1, P2, etc..) Each prompt is bookmarked and can be access by a link that contains its P and number. For example “https://davidboulton.com/dailogues-2/learnist/#p32” will open the dialogue at P32. Similarly appending “#p” (lower case) followed by a prompt number to the url of any page of a raw dAilogue will result in a link directly to the prompt.

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1 thought on “dAilogue”

  1. Pingback: Human Nature? Learning to Learn - David Boulton

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