dAilogues: Predestination, Free Will, Agency, and Learning

Predestination, Free Will, Agency, and Learning (full) with Gemini

Index of other dAilogues

P1 – Estimate the percentage of humanity who experience their lives as pre-destined? Who experience themselves as “the way they were made”. Stay exact to my meanings. https://g.co/gemini/share/83877c930e0e

P2 – Inverting the last question. what other life-experience-meta-orientations other than “the way they were made” are there (by percentage of the population)? https://g.co/gemini/share/6828bde1d5c7

P3 – Distill the implicit meaning of the word “learning” as explored in these web pages: https://davidboulton.com/centraldynamic/ https://davidboulton.com/geminis-birthday-present/ https://davidboulton.com/continuum/  https://g.co/gemini/share/661c2f8a676e

P4 – Differentiate the role of individual agency in the 50 to 70% non predestined interpretations you mentioned (self determination, chance and randomness, collective destiny, spiritual or karmic influence, existential uncertainty) https://g.co/gemini/share/76496cf93f19

P5 – Setting aside everything outside a human being’s agency to effect, what within a human’s agency isn’t determined by their learning? Be sure to revisit our shared definition of learning (cells to cities, volitional and organismic).  https://g.co/gemini/share/b00f5c7ac20e

P6 – Isn’t the difference between “potential” and “actual” human behavior always a reflection of learning? Isn’t agency the freedom to effect within agency constraint? The difference between the influence of a genetically ordered innate predisposition (if they exist) and what someone actually does is learning. “aha” moments don’t occur in a vacuum. They are only intelligible in reference to learning. Unconscious behaviors are learned. The act of choosing is an act of learning. The difference between and infant’s capacity for self-awareness and reflection and adults is learning. If we see learning as including epigenetics and organismic adaptations to environments, the entire content of consciousness is learned, the movement of attention is learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/a988dac9bd1b

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