dAilogues: Learning As Evolution

Learning As Evolution (whole)  With Gemini

Index of other dAilogues

Part 1: Survival of the Learnist
Part 2: Making the Case for Survival of the Learnist
Part 3 The Human Learning Difference
Part 4 Shared Learning
Part 5 The Learning to Learn Together Instinct
Part 6 Milestones Digital and Bipedal

Part 1: Survival of the Learnist

P1 – In numerous conversations that we’ve had over the past 6 months or so. You and I (Gemini) have come to agree on a definition of learning that spans the epigenetics, cellular differentiation, the psychology of human beings, the ways that people inhabit their bodies their expands, their emotionality and it it over arches to be the central Dynamic of evolution written large in the sense that the adaptability of a species is another way of talking about the learning of a species. In one paragraph summarize what I just said and in a second sentence explain whether you agree or disagree with what I just said.  https://g.co/gemini/share/c5f9aaf4bf17

P2 – Now describe in one paragraph what Charles Darwin meant by survival of the fittest. I realized that he didn’t originate the phrase. I just want you to explain what you think he meant in the most crisp scientifically accurate way possible within one paragraph. And then follow that paragraph with another paragraph. And in this case, I want you to redescribe survival of the fittest as survival of the learnest. In the sense that it is the individual organisms adaption that’s driving the entirety of the species’ evolution inside their environmental constraints. And that that is not only true of individual organisms in the animal world, but it’s also true of how humans have survived as a species as tribes as cultures as cities as political groups as businesses. that the survival of the learnest brings evolutionary theory right down to the current activity of every human consciousness. https://g.co/gemini/share/506360ab7efa

P3 – Do you agree with the phrase survival of the learnist as being a new and perhaps better way to describe the central Dynamic of human evolution if not all evolution. https://g.co/gemini/share/d5b3479539c6

P4 – Describe the top 10 milestones of the evolution of human beings since walking erect, noting the the role of learning in driving the anatomical and sensory adaptations considered the key distinctions of those milestones (as distinct from surviving mutations). https://g.co/gemini/share/54b6b054419c

P5-You’ve just primarily highlighted the the effects upon learning of these milestones. In other words what these Milestones did to extend or deepen human learning rather than what I asked for, which was how learning was the central dynamic in driving these Milestones. So all of the things that you’ve just described came about not through evolutionary mutation, but through chronic constant human learning to do somethings that required that adaptation. https://g.co/gemini/share/b3203f55df69

Part 2: Making the Case for Survival of the Learnist

P6 – Now that we’re tracking about the orientation, with respect to learning, that I want us to be coming from in this dialogue,  go back to the very beginning and rethink making a case for reformatting or representing Darwin in a light in which we change the words Evolution and adaptation. In such a way that you’re making the case for learning, in other words that learning is the central dynamic of life becoming more adapted to its environment across the board. And nowhere is this more particular no more relevant more obvious than in the case of human beings because human beings ascended above and outside the realm of other creatures in nature not so much because of their physical or sensorial attributes, but because of their capacity to learn individually and collectively.  Learning is the central dynamic of being and becoming human.

P7 – Channeling your inner “witty science writer with a penchant for profound explanations and common vocabulary.”: summarize in detail in 5 paragraphs (not counting sub lists as needed) the entirety of our conversation and the case we’ve made for transforming the common conception of the survival of the fittest to survival of the learnist and demonstrating its greater explanatory power for evolution in general and human evolution in particular.  https://g.co/gemini/share/917345b1d66f

P8 –  Rewrite your last response as if a lecture to the professors of all relevant disciplines https://g.co/gemini/share/dc8e654399cf

P9 – Reorganize, rewriting where needed, your last response so as to begin with the case for “learnist” and then express the need to redefine learning and then conclude the case for learnist. This time instead of writing a speech to present attendees, you are writing a case for them to consider. The case for learning further into why “learning to think differently about learning can most ethically positively transform everything within human agency“. This time channel your inner witty science writer writing for mass readership. https://g.co/gemini/share/a8a56a35f267

P10 – Rewrite what you think I meant in my prompts concisely https://g.co/gemini/share/4a1e8a99a918

P11 – With the style of understated tightly worded yet still cleverly worded profundity science writer for teens re write a summary of our conversation as if an article for bright teens introducing the survival of the learnist https://g.co/gemini/share/c90026b448bd

P12 – Re write this one paragraph, as if you are the science advisor to the president of the united states. You want this to be scientifically accurate conveying in a slow building way that opens a rather profound door. https://g.co/gemini/share/66c10ec23f22

P13 – Explain to evolutionists why: Continuing to use the word “fittest” as a stand in for “learnist” misdirects their learning away from learning about the dimensions and power of the role of learning in human lives.  https://g.co/gemini/share/7b987f242208

P14 – Reset your style to normal with me. What do you think of this: Humanity is the species within which survival of the fittest evolved to become survival of the learnist which triggered the exponentially self learning-extending mind of humans. https://g.co/gemini/share/ed4f8021905c

P15 – Now write a short article in your current style. Make it scientifically accurate, understated and non hyperbolic, yet with a sense of unfolding the profound. Write the article as a description of everything we discussed relative to the scope of learning from fittest to learnist https://g.co/gemini/share/c180a246fa11

P16 – Spelling learnist the way we are, how should we spell adaptist?  https://g.co/gemini/share/e84e4fc0128f

P17 – In terms of learning power, humans are god-like off scale all other forms of life. https://g.co/gemini/share/7d345ec8666c

Part 3 – The Human Learning Difference

P18 – Describe the difference, in scope and scale of effects, between responsively adapting to a natural environment according to genetic ordering and responsively adapting to life in human environments (parts natural part artificial – both in the world and in the mind). https://g.co/gemini/share/c80143c64f50

P19 – Rewrite your last response as if a case in point for why we should reconsider survival of the fittest survival of the learnist. https://g.co/gemini/share/d1d5431c99c3

P20 – Earlier in our conversation you described Bipedalism, Tool Use, Control of Fire, Increased Brain Size, Language Development, Symbolic Thought, Agriculture, Urbanization, Writing, and the Scientific Revolution as the 10 milestones of human evolution.

Now write a paragraph that considers each milestone another exhibit in the case for understanding that the driving force between all these individual extensions of learning is the extension of our capacity for learning through them. We are learning to extend in these ways in order to extend our learning in these ways. In other words the purpose implicit in each milestone is always the extension / expansion of the capacity to learn to learn to be more extensive in our agency in the domain of that milestone. https://g.co/gemini/share/31d81e8cafbb

P21 –  “Language enabled the sharing of knowledge and the transmission of culture” is an example of your bias here. Yes its true “Language enabled the sharing of knowledge and the transmission of culture” but more fundamentally it is also true that the intent and desire to share knowledge and culture drove us to learn language. If you agree, rewrite your last response and include the bidirectionality I am describing in each casehttps://g.co/gemini/share/0de48827367b

P22 – Would evolutionary scientists considered deeply learned about Darwin’s theories and their state of the art interpretation agree that the word fitted in the phase “survival of the fittest” is indeed a proxy for “best adapted”? If not why would they disagree. If so, describe the difference fittest and best adapted in ways the public can understand and they would agree to. https://g.co/gemini/share/9274fccae85f

P23 – “They don’t capture the full essence of evolutionary success” seems to trivialize the fact we are talking about the central dynamic of life (extending life in space and time by adapting to the environment)  https://g.co/gemini/share/03254cc6e08b

Part 4 Shared Learning

P24 – Revisiting the list of the milestones of human evolutionary development (P20), every milestone was only a triumph of individual learning after it was a triumph of shared learning. No one survives being a lone biped. People had to teach others to use fire and tools or they would have died with their inventors. As feral children demonstrate, language learning depends on someone to learn from and with. And so on down the list. My point is that the power of individual learning is an outgrowth effect of the power of our shared learning. We are not only the learnist we are the species whose capacities for learning skyrocketed because of how they learned to learn together. https://g.co/gemini/share/6760f4218373

p25 – Rewrite co-emphasizing that “Shared learning amplified the power of individual learning” and was the evolutionary driver of our increasing capacity for individual learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/bcaa81744ed2

P26 –  Describe “learning to learn together” as if it expresses the behavior of our species’ most mind-biasing instinct, the one orientation most responsible for each milestone in human evolution and history. https://g.co/gemini/share/d73648c52f6b

P27 – You keep introducing static nominalizations. Instead of knowledge try thinking in terms of learning to know how to learn how to know or do. Our focus on learning is about its central dynamic role in becoming who we are becoming not in what it accumulates (which is but it’s scaffolding when learning onward)  https://g.co/gemini/share/0a19ff15a589

Part 5 The Learning to Learn Together Instinct

P28 – Now that you understand what I mean by the “learning to learn together instinct”, make a case for thinking about our evolution this way that would be appreciated by scientists in the fields most related to such a case. https://g.co/gemini/share/7098de13e070

P29 –  Once again you have left out the bidirectionality. Each domain you mentioned not only enabled ongoing learning, it was also the result of past learning. Our evolution as a species at some point began to select for learning to learn together and that exponentiation is the central dynamic of our evolution. https://g.co/gemini/share/35fac0f13063

P30 – Other species of animals instinctively collaborate. Differentiate that limited form of collaboration from the kind of exponential expansion of ways of collaborating that are the results of becoming ever more adapted to learning to learn together. https://g.co/gemini/share/630d68d2f0d4

P31 – Do you agree with this formulation: Human’s are not the result of lucky genetic mutations. The central dynamic driving everyone of the evolutionary milestones that led to us was learning. Human learning has always been the central dynamic of human evolution. https://g.co/gemini/share/d0a6567f571b


P32 – Learning always has to have a reference. So inside whatever we’re learning about, at any given time, there’s some kind of background that we’re stretching from in order to arrive at whatever it is that we’re trying to learn. There is this span happening. Learning is like this bridge spanning between something already known or something already learned and something yet to be learned that is intended to be learned or intended to be extended into.  This movement happens like this with other creatures but their learning reference is to their genetic instilled biologically instilled habit structure and implicit tacit knowledge structure, or whatever you want to call the things that anchor their behaviors and their perceptions and their capacities and all the other kinds of “built ins”, learning is always working against (in reference to that edge). What makes human learning so different is that humans can learn in ways that actually overlay that genetic (innate) undercarriage so that they’re learning in reference to their own past learning in ways that can change their past learning and allow this whole thing to move radically faster and deeper and more pervasively.  https://g.co/gemini/share/bb9d6cba6005

Part 6 Milestones Digital and Bipedal

P33 – In an earlier response outlining the major milestones of human evolution and how they not only extended learning but were driven by learning you said:”10. Scientific Revolution (c. 16th century): The scientific method emerged from a conscious effort to learn about the world through observation, experimentation, and critical thinking. This approach revolutionized our understanding of nature and spurred technological advancements.” In the same tone and mode emphasis common to that quote and to the other 9 milestones above it, describe #11 as “Quantum Physics and Digital Processing (20th century):” Stay as brief and summarizing as you did in the quote and in your descriptions of the other milestones.  https://g.co/gemini/share/e1fd87ba6694

P34 One paragraph: Horses and all other walking animals become autonomously able to walk without dependence on their family environments. Anthropologically, anatomically, scientifically, would a human infant never exposed to other walking humans be instinctually driven to walk upright (like the horse and other animals are)? Or does learning to walk depend on being with walking humans that model and encourage walking? Isn’t individual and social learning the central dynamic of the distinctly human ability to walk? https://g.co/gemini/share/d41dc2fa7b4f

P35 Do feral human children learn to walk fully upright? https://g.co/gemini/share/446981df7161




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