dAilogues: Learning Scopes

Learning Scopes (full) with Gemini

Index of other dAilogues

P1 -Learning Scopes https://g.co/gemini/share/37484306dcd2

P2 – Imagine we are designing another kind of learning scope. Not an externally ordered context or domain. A tool, analogous to microscopes and telescopes except that rather than vision, “learning scopes” focus and support learning. If learning scopes can only have 4 main dials and knobs what would each do? What functions? What are the 4 most important kinds of support someone learners might need to stay in engaged in their learning.  https://g.co/gemini/share/3f33aa3740df

P3 – In your last response, your dials are ideals and aspirations for providers to follow to support learners. Turn that inside out. The 4 dials are the learners’ controls. They allow learners to express their need for more learning support about something that just came up in the flow of their learning. If we were providing 4 dials for the learners to get different kinds of learning-support when they are learning, what would the dials do? https://g.co/gemini/share/f89265984604

P4 – Considering your last response, how would learning with such a learning scope affect how well the learner learning through the scope learns?  https://g.co/gemini/share/0f002e1f1875

P5 – Using AI support when needed, drawing on already existent support resources, within the scope of the written languages most used online, is it not technologically easy to make every touchable/clickable online word an invisible help button that opens a learning scope portal that allows the learner to get support about anything relevant to the word? How to read it? Its linguistic semantics? The word’s meaning in another language? Other ways it could be used? How it is being used? The greater and deeper meaning it may represent? It’s history? Do we already have the device and internet technologies needed to make every online word function like a learning portal? https://g.co/gemini/share/7ae8d851f26d

P6 – In earlier conversations, we agreed that children can’t help but learn to become who they become (https://learningstewards.org/cant-help-but-learn/). We also agreed: that learning is not just “a” central focus; it is “the” central dynamic of being human, encompassing every aspect of our existence and development (https://learningstewards.org/whatshouldtheylearn/). We also agreed: that nothing within a child’s potential agency is (or can be) more universally relevant to their future than how well they can learn when they get there and therefore ethics demands we focus on stewarding the health of their learning (https://learningstewards.org/stewards/). We also agreed that the most mutually beneficial interaction intersection between provider and learner (https://learningstewards.org/intersection/) is happening in the flow of the learner’s relationship with their own learning needs (https://learningstewards.org/universal-learning-needs/) and that the key to stewarding learning depends on resourcefully responding to the learning needs content intended to facilitate provokes (https://learningstewards.org/engaging-learning/)

Throughout the conversation that follows can you keep all of these prior agreements in mind so that your responses consider what we have learned together in the past? https://g.co/gemini/share/b334e9f69864

P7 – Can you also abide by our agreement to avoid using words for learning that disable learning (https://learningstewards.org/words-for-learning/)? https://g.co/gemini/share/18ff1d01fcec

P8 – With these agreements in mind, compare and contrast our conversation above about “learning scopes” with the prevailing model of using AI to assess students and preemptively interject into their learning pathways what AI assumes they need to progress. Contrast the different locus of agency – one from the perspective of the objectives of the educational system. The other from the perspective of stewarding healthy inside-out participation agency in individual learners. https://g.co/gemini/share/d63189f0dd00


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