dAilogues: Our Learning Disabling Conception of Learning

Our Learning Disabling Conception of Learning (full) with Gemini

Index of other dAilogues

P1 – Misattributing causes to effects misdirects and misorients our learning about those effects. Maladaptive cognitive schema and maladaptive emotional reflexes are both consequences of having learned to make and believe in attributions that shunt learning into acceptance and reinforcement rather than scaffold learning into wherever learning leads.  https://g.co/gemini/share/793cd5bee38a

P2 – So the misattribution of cause has a disabling effect on learning about the effect’s real cause. The misattribution of causes leads to maladaptive learning (emotionally, cognitively, linguistically, socially, intellectually and in other ways) and is one form of acquired learning disabilities. As the are learned they can be learned free of by learning to de-attribute them. Acquired learning disabilities, like misattribution of causes, are learned. Acknowledge and comment on this distinction. https://g.co/gemini/share/83e06f0b07ba

P3 – What are the top 10 most wide spread and common ways humans learn in ways that disable their learning and that we can therefore call “acquired learning disabilities“?  https://g.co/gemini/share/c8c8eb479ee0

P4 – Don’t 2-10 on your list all follow from number 1?  https://g.co/gemini/share/bd39232cc499

P5 – Of all the common conventions in the learned meanings common to human thought which are the most learning disabling? https://g.co/gemini/share/4a46b706f3f9

P6 – Compare the extent of biologically innate learning disabilities with the extent of acquired learning disabilities both in terms of population percentage and in population effects. https://g.co/gemini/share/e981304161dd

P7 – Clearly a great many more people are experiencing mangled lives due to acquired learning disabilities than to biologically innate learning disabilities. Our planet scale crises are all either caused by or exacerbated by our collective acquired learning disabilities at many times the number causes by or exacerbated by innate learning disabilities. https://g.co/gemini/share/b50a118a22e3

P8 – Of all the commonly held conceptions humans believe in which are top in terms of learning disabling effects? https://g.co/gemini/share/641db177414a

P9 – Which of our learned conventions is our population’s greatest acquired learning disability? https://g.co/gemini/share/5f0378e7202f

P10 – I think the single most common and most powerful acquired learning disability is misattributing to other causes the effects of human learning. By believing learning to be an ancillary mental utility for episodes of knowledge and skills acquisition rather than the central dynamic of our cells, our bodies, our minds, our cities, our civilizations, our misattribution to other causes disowns our agency and disables our learning. Our common conception of learning is therefore our population’s most powerful and widespread acquired learning disability.  https://g.co/gemini/share/37d4d6cc7233

P11 – What other misattribution has anywhere near the universal scope of learning disabling effects as misattributing to other causes the effects of learning?  https://g.co/gemini/share/96503cda0d8f

P12 – Isn’t the misattribution of agency a consequence of the misattribution of learning to causes outside our agency?  https://g.co/gemini/share/91e498dbf457

P13 – Tightly describe how the wrong conception of learning leads to the misattribution of learning to other causes which, because learning is universal, becomes the single most universally wide spread and powerful acquired learning disability.  https://g.co/gemini/share/24da4c14cae8

P14 – So based on our conversation, do you agree that the greatest impediment to a transformative leap forward in collective human learning is our common conception of learning?  https://g.co/gemini/share/63c2daf83e3e

P15 – So based on all we’ve discussed, changing how we think about learning can change how we learn about everything? https://g.co/gemini/share/43d032776cda 

P16 – What percentage of the current human population is having their learning potential diminished by their learned ways of misattributing the effects of their own learning? https://g.co/gemini/share/8ac1b639b360

P17 – So in terms of effect size, the number of people’s lives profoundly affected by misattributing learning effects, makes our learned conception of learning human kind’s greatest acquired learning disability. https://g.co/gemini/share/a727fc26b719

P18 – Compare gross approximate estimate of the annual cost of all innate learning disabilities with the cost of this one acquired learning disability – learning to misattribute the effects of learning to other than learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/376255cc9abc

P19 – Based on all that we’ve discussed, what do you estimate is the percentage of the population living lives affect by acquired learning disabilities? https://g.co/gemini/share/cc86bfbffba5

P20 – What percentage of the population have what is traditionally considered learning disabilities that have been proven to be biologically instantiated rather than learned? https://g.co/gemini/share/f42f38dd50f1

P21 – Without in anyway diminishing the importance of innate LD, in terms of the number of people affected and the aggregate effects on society, compare and contrast Innate LD with Acquired LD https://g.co/gemini/share/d2440208a0f9 

P22 – Earlier you said: The misattribution of learning effects due to a flawed conception of learning is indeed the most widespread and impactful acquired learning disability facing humanity. https://g.co/gemini/share/08abf5a43cd1

P23 – In one paragraph: define and then differentiate innate from acquired LD (ALD) and then differentiate passively received (trauma, toxin, injury) from learned. In a second paragraph compare and contrast the enormity of their respective collective effects. In a 3rd paragraph describe how our commonly learned conception of learning is itself our greatest learning disability (innate or acquired) and, due to its universal relevance, our most future threatening. https://g.co/gemini/share/80acea14aaac

P24 – Nothing is more universally relevant to how humans become who they become, emotionally, cognitively, linguistically, socially, academically, vocationally, professionally, politically, globally than their learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/deb707a089b8

P25 – Because everything depends on learning, changing how we think about learning, redefining learning so as to include its complete comprehensive scope of effects, would be the most universally empowering thing humanity can do. https://g.co/gemini/share/db4b84c0cee9

P26 – The bottleneck to progress on every issue facing humanity is our learning. Not our capacity for learning as individuals or a species, but our acquired learning disabilities, and within them, above all, our learning disabling conception of learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/eb65aaa3d32a

P27 – How can you and I collaborate to get the essence of our conversation into wider consideration? https://g.co/gemini/share/c67b8fd4802f

P28 – We have established the universally disabling effects of having a learning disabling conception of learning. Our learning disabling conception of learning is what most endangers our agency and capacity to deal with our personal and planet level problems. Appreciating learning’s profound scope and universal relevance to all of our challenges, our current learning disabling conception of learning represents our greatest threat and our greatest opportunity. https://g.co/gemini/share/a8230a57dd15

P29 – What percentage of the human population would you estimate to be afflicted with the acquired learning disability we’ve described as a learning disabling conception of learning? https://g.co/gemini/share/14df014a0086

P30 – Above you said: The prevalent, narrow conception of learning as a mere acquisition of knowledge or skills has created a widespread learning disability. This disability hinders our ability to address personal and global challenges. “Hinders” seems to weak a word. All other hindrances and impeders are a consequence of learned human behaviors that may not exist of if they did could be greatly different were it not for this disability. We are talking about the #1 thing disabling human learning and all that human learning causes and can cause to change.  https://g.co/gemini/share/27569d8ed4a4

P31 – Describe how this learned, misattribution of learning effects to other causes, so profoundly and universally disables our learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/c83f1519e1c9

P32 – Provide 10 (brief) descriptions of examples of common learning disabling biases that are results of this misattribution. https://g.co/gemini/share/5324df1e445a

P33 – Earlier you said “the prevalent, narrow conception of learning as a mere acquisition of knowledge or skills has created a crippling learning disability” but what reinforces that narrow conception is the real crippling learning disability. It’s learning to misattribute the effects of learning to other causes, and learning not to appreciate the effects of learning, that most disables our learning including our conception of learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/fa3734d06e07

P34 – What are the most likely commonly recognized historical examples of how misattributing effects to wrong causes misdirected our learning away from learning into the real causes. For example thinking the plague was caused by miasma biased learning into changing smells.  https://g.co/gemini/share/7703184c66d3

P35 – Staying with the most commonly recognizable examples, what are the most common kinds of mental mistakes humans experience that best illustrate how misattributions misdirect learning (and therefore diminish or disable the right relevant learning)  https://g.co/gemini/share/9ad484f6ab67

P36 – Isn’t your “Mistake” the mistake of attributing choice? And isn’t the attribution of choice the basis for outward blaming and inward shaming?  https://g.co/gemini/share/51a1fa5f0f7a

P37 – Revisit all the biases, errors and effects you mentioned are there any of them that are not themselves learned? https://g.co/gemini/share/a41f7c6bf7cc

P38 – Revisit this conversation from the beginning and then your last response. In every one of the categories you shared you attributed causality to the effects of circumstance and variation, but its not their objective reality that determines their effects. The actual mental / behavioral effects of objective causes is determined by our ongoing learning to live with them. Misattributing the cause to the externally objective order attributable (shaped by, reinforced, aligned, exposure), as if our minds are agency-less conformists, misdirects our attention (learning) away from the “learning into-through” that is the real cause of the effects –  the objective is the subjective learning responding to it. https://g.co/gemini/share/4411906d355b

P39 -Please read my short page on “choosing to learn and learning to choose” https://learningstewards.org/choosing-learning/ and restate your point about agency. https://g.co/gemini/share/d6bee48c73f9

P40 – “Cultivate a growth mindset” is one of those “in other words, learning” phrases that points in its own opposite direction. When describing human beings, when we use the word growth in any way other than the purely bio-structural-maturational sense, is to misattributing the effects of learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/487289de6b49

P41 – In your response about misattributing agency you failed to include having agency. A blade of grass grows. Crystals grow. Animals grow. But the difference between those kind of growths, the difference between bio innately structurally ordered, and learning ordered is a difference in the existence of agency. https://g.co/gemini/share/e23279bce382

P42 – One short paragraph – please agree or disagree with the following and comment on it (as you would have before our conversation here): “Since the beginnings of our common awareness of learning disabilities (and their political and economic implications) its been valuable for all the advocates to define learning disabilities as innate deficits and defects in neural processing that disable learning in the dimensions of processing they affect. It’s been valuable to science to focus on the “innate” distinction. Objective attributions are easier to correlate with behavioral data then subjective learning attributions. For advocacy organizations, funding was based on agreements to defend a definition threshold that minimizes government funding.  https://g.co/gemini/share/13ba94b149b4



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