Info-Tech’s Population Effects (full) with Gemini
P1 – Beginning with the emergence of writing systems and ending with yourself, an LLM, describe the population effects, and the year they first peaked, for each of the following technologies: Alphabet, Printing Press, Telegraph, Radio, Telephone, Television, Computer, Internet, Smart Phone, AI like you
P2 – Describe the social-emotional and cognitive effects for each of the technologies.
P3 – Describe the population mental life differences between the mental effects of these technologies.
P4 – Up until the computer, the technologies in our list had population mental effects, but they were not mentally interactive. Printing press technicians, telegraph, and early telephone operators were mentally interacting, but to the population the technology (once learned) was transparent to using it. The population learned to use them, not make them behave through complex mental interactions.
P5 – Was there a writing system before the alphabet that was as population-wide readable? Was their a writing system that extended beyond the scribes and their elite patrons to become near common for the population? (see also: “A Brief History of the Code” –
P6 – Going back to our starting list of technologies, including the computer through Ai. Describe the before and after effects on the minds of children due to the mental environments affected by the technology that children are learning to become who they are becoming in.
P7 – It is common for adults today to engage in routinely complex mental activity that would have been inconceivable a few generations before them. Describe the history of each of the technologies effect’s on population-common mental abilities.
P8 – Consider the technologies potential to effect the behaviors of common humanity today. Consider the technologies’ potential to effect those before the computer. Would you say that we as a population behave more or less intelligently? I don’t mean in terms of information dexterity how we are behaving as human beings?
P9 – In a paragraph describe the learning abilities and capacities differences between people never exposed to any of these technologies and people today exposed to them all.
P10 – Do you agree with considering reading writing and math to be symbolically coded representation technologies. Using these technologies has changed the dimensional extent of mental abstraction. We today live in a world of daily meanings vastly more abstractly complex than humans in the past. stay brief
P11 -List the historically most significant information technologies in terms of the expansion of the abilities of the human mind.
P12 – Consider the differences between an average human 10,000 years ago and today in terms of the content of consciousness and the abstract processing populating the content of consciousness. Isn’t that difference primarily the result of what information technology enabled and challenged our minds to do? (see also “The Three Codes”:
P13 – It’s not just the technology. It’s the learning. We learned to create technology that profoundly extended, through artificial representation scaffolding, our capacities to learn. In that sense the recent part of the human mind is an artificial reality processor. We are already virtually part cyborgs. We are children of the code.