dAilogues: Self-Referencing Learning

Self-Referencing Learning (whole) with Gemini

Index of other dAilogues

P1 – Learning always has a reference.  No matter what the learning is about or into, at any given time, there’s some kind of background that is providing the context that learning is stretching from in order to arrive at whatever is being learned. There’s a span happening in learning, as learning is always bridging between something already “instinctually known” (the inner background) or learned, and something yet to be learned that is intended to be learned or intended to extended into.  This learning scaffolding spanning movement, always occurring inside the ever now of life’s flow, is the central dynamic of all the adaptations and evolutions of all creatures.

Translate what I wrote through a focus on non-human learning processes that drive adaptation. Make a conceptual phenomenological case for learning extending genetic drives and instinctual knowing and behaviors, as if learning now evokes in memory the relevant scaffolding from which to span into differentiating what is currently going on.

Separately, do you agree with this view of learning and is it something implicitly or explicitly agreed upon with the relevant scientific disciplines. Is there a better word for “knowledge” when describing the content evoked by learning to scaffold learning in non human brains? If there is, use that term throughout your response.  https://g.co/gemini/share/70b339bf6904

P2 – In your last response you suggested “representations” or “internal models” both of which, even more than “knowledge” describe the current aggregations evoked as relevant to learning by learning – the background that is scaffolding live learning. But the elements of content from which higher order aggregations take place need not be a consequence of the evoking the representation, their can be many elements from which the representations emerge. What might we call that elemental granule of content that learning constells into representations? https://g.co/gemini/share/634fc1a3949b

P3 – Primitives and every level discussed are not isolated units rather they are co-implicates. Configurations of neuroanatomical behaviors that cohere by constelling co-implicatively situationally relevant responses to what is [learning is determining to be] going on.  https://g.co/gemini/share/f2ba7219c4c0

P4 – In animals, learning is primarily a genetically-biologically-instinctually determined way to differentially adapt genetically-biologically-instinctually ordered behaviors. Animal learning is about adapting in nature. Human learning includes but goes beyond animals to include learning from own learning in ways that can change our own learning. Human learning is learning to learn from learning – an entirely different kind of “self-reference” for learning. https://g.co/gemini/share/65c5ed94c5f6

P5 – Setting aside the abstract anthropological dimensions you mentioned, consider the processing differences between animal learning, where the learning is in reference to and in service of an inherited innate system, and human learning where the learning can also be in reference to and in service to a learned system. The latter represents a leap in capacity for abstraction and the expanse of consciousness. https://g.co/gemini/share/63f37c147944

P6 – So our species’ evolution became defined by our mind’s learning not by mutations or adaptive bodily behavior. This means the spark that separates us most from animals was an exponential leap in virtualizing learning to learn. https://g.co/gemini/share/d5a2c94434a5

P7 – Do you agree with everything you wrote in this conversation? If so distill this conversation down to its top 5 points than explain each point in the kind of language used in a science magazine article. https://g.co/gemini/share/452d4255bebe


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